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Hire Frank to Speak

Frank Speaking

How to Reconnect with Your Neglected Database with Video, Social Media, and Email to Book More Warm Appointments

You'll learn how to implement The Vyral Marketing Plan™ for a long-term, 36-touch database nurture campaign to help you book more warm appointments from your #1 existing asset - your past clients, centers of influence, and leads sitting in your CRM. You'll first learn how to export all your contacts so they are scrubbed/de-duplicated in one place, how to send them 2 Q&A videos a month to build trust by articulating your expertise and 1 direct offer a month for lead-reactivation, and finally how to prioritize warm appointment setting with the people watching your videos and opting-in to your web forms. You'll see the latest topics, scripts, video email, social media retargeting, video postcards, and lead capture examples working for your peers with response statistics. 

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