Yes, it's true.
We reverse the risk for you.

Money Back

You'll sign up the number of new clients you need to make your investment in us worth it within 90 days or we'll refund all your money.

Key Statistics:

  • Our average client generates 10 qualified leads from us a month, which leads to 3 met appointments and 1 sale valued at $7,500*
  • 78% of our clients stay with us for longer than one year
  • Our average client sees a 24% increase in YouTube viewership in 12 months
  • Our clients average a 32% email open rate and a 3.4% click-through rate
  • Our clients average a 99.4% email deliverability rate
  • Our clients average less than $1 per click on Facebook video retargeting ads
  • Our client's median database email list size is 1,245 people

*This is anecdotal evidence self-reported by our clients.

We want you to get new clients right away when you hire us. For most of our customers, the financial return of hiring us makes sense when you sign up about one new client every month from our work. Our typical client sees 3 new clients from our work in the first 90 days.

Ultimately, a healthy return on investment with us is you show an additional $87,000 a year (roughly a 10x ROI) of sales from the appointments you book from the people clicking links to watch your videos and the leads we generate from your monthly ad campaigns.

You'll know if you're on track to reach this goal in 90 days. If not, cancel and get all your money back. You keep the full rights to anything we create for you.

Here's why we offer this:

  • You'll be able to feel what it's like to be on camera
  • You'll get to work with us quickly so you know if we're a fit
  • You'll see what results come from your first videos
  • You'll be able to test our service to make sure we deliver
  • It makes it easy just to get started without downside risk
  • You'll have peace of mind knowing you won't lose money

The full Risk-Free Guarantee language is in our agreement. You'll tell us upfront how many new clients you need from our work in 90 days to make your investment in us worth it. We must both agree it's a reasonable goal before you hire us. Then, if you don't make these agreed-upon sales from our work within 90 days, and you request a refund to terminate our relationship, your $1,995 and all two months of service will be refunded to your credit or debit card within one business day.