We offer 100% remote digital marketing jobs with our advertising agency. We help entrepreneurs in professional services stay in better touch with their database using video, social media, email, and direct mail. We are a 100% work-from-anywhere company. We hire (1) Friendly, (2) Proactive, (3) Coachable, (4) Curious, and (5) Intelligent people with a great (6) Work Ethic. We're also looking for those who can grow into a leadership role, too. 

Clients: The advertising and digital marketing industry has one of the highest employee turnover rates - about 30% a year. This is on top of the fact that the average time any employee spends with their company now is the lowest ever (4 years), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are many reasons for this, but to address it, we have excellent recruiting and new employee training to make sure you work with a consistently competent team.

Our Mission & Vision

We implement education-based direct response marketing for entrepreneurial professional service providers (real estate agents, business brokers, mortgage professionals, etc) building their businesses on 100% commission. It’s a painful, yet rewarding journey for them. Our clients - after enduring the pain/rejection of cold calling, losing money on traditional advertising, or being stuck in place working by referral only - hire us to help them get comfortable publishing videos, emails, letters, and social media ads to attract (not chase) new clients. We deliver financial peace of mind with a new client attraction system that’s not financially risky or emotionally exhausting. In short, we help them articulate their competence on video so they command higher fees and attract better clients. They pay us to do most of the work to help them out. We stand behind it all with a 90-day money-back guarantee.  If you enjoy working with business owners, get excited about reducing entrepreneurial uncertainty, enjoy the craft of influence, and take pride in demonstrating or telling others about your work - we are the place for you. We’ve built a culture where you are safe, protected, understood, and valued to do your best. We all support each other and have a terrific training program to get you up to speed.  Our vision is to inspire thousands of business owners to earn more money (with less stress) by implementing a great marketing system.  Our purpose is to reduce our client’s entrepreneurial anxiety and help them relax by generating a steady stream of new business with minimal risk and relative ease. Our mission is to help our clients grow their businesses and build a great firm that attracts, develops, excites, and retains exceptional people. We want to be known as the most helpful agency in our space where we get the call when someone needs help getting new clients.  Please tell us how you feel about our mission and vision when you interview.

Core Values

1. Proactive - We anticipate needs

2. Helpful - We do the work for them

3. Growing - We improve our skills

4. Friendly - We are positive and optimistic

5. Effective - Our deliverable works

6. Integrity - I can trust them

Leadership Traits

Low Leadership Potential
High Leadership Potential
Low Level High Level
Low Relationship High Relationship
Assumes Little Responsibility Accepts High Responsibility
Uses Low Skill Masters High Skill
Records Information Perceives Information
Responds to Needs Anticipates Needs
Processes Data Interprets Data
Narrow Picture Viewpoint Big Picture Viewpoint
Delivers Information Advises and Consults
Other-Directed Self-Directed
Minimum Legal Responsibility Maximum Legal Responsibility
Employee Partner
Does the Task Owns the Result
Tells and Sells Educates and Guides
Stays out of Decision Making Involved in Decision-Making
Follows Rules and Procedures Uses Judgment and Intuition
Replaceable Irreplaceable
Minimally Paid   Highly Paid  


Rio Ruiz

Rio Ruiz

Hiring Manager | rio@getvyral.com | USA: 1-402-237-8155 | Philippines: +63 2 8 231 2213


Please review our hiring process

Step 1: APPLY: Please apply for any position. It all goes into our central applicant tracking system.

Step 2. SCREEN: We'll call you on the phone for a quick interview to make sure you meet all the qualifications listed in the job advertisement. We'll also explain our hiring process so you know what to expect and answer your questions about the role so you can decide if you want to interview. We also will ask permission to call your past 2 employers (or clients) for a reference check later in our hiring process, and make sure you are okay with that to verify your performance in past roles. If you are currently employed, and looking for a new role, we will not call your current employer (unless you permit us). Our hiring manager calls up to 50 candidates a day who apply from the job boards, so if you are serious about the role, please call or email her directly to set up an initial phone discussion about the role so she knows to prioritize you. You can find their contact information above.

----- We will call you every work day to update you after this point ---

Step 3: ASSESSMENT: Once you pass the phone screen (confirming you are qualified for the role based on what we have in the job ad), we will email you a pre-employment thinking test (60min) and international hires will also take an English proficiency test (50min) requiring a C2 level of mastery. We test for problem-solving, critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and general mental ability. We hire smart people. Please set aside two hours to complete these assessments as quickly as you can after we speak on the phone so we can move along with our process to hire you. Ideally, you complete these within one business day after passing your phone screen.

Step 4: STRUCTURED INTERVIEW: Once you take your pre-employment assessments, we'll call you back or schedule a time for a full interview. This is your time to share why you're the best fit for the role. Give us stories, provide specific examples, and show us numbers or reports of what you have accomplished. We want to know your life journey and what you want for your future. This takes about 30 minutes. Come prepared to make your case. This is our time to listen to and understand you by asking you a set of prepared questions and we score your response to each question immediately. The more examples of your work you can share, the better. We are looking to hire people on an upward trajectory in their lives, who can grow as leaders and want to build a long-term career with us. We are interviewing for evidence and a verifiable track record of success in previous roles.

Step 5: PAID AUDITION: Once you pass your interview, we will pay you to do a task that's specific to your role; such as edit a video, write an email, assemble a video email, create a website, make a Facebook ad, etc. This way we can make sure you know how to do what we're hiring you to do. We will not ask you to do free work - we will pay you on contract for your time during your audition. This is usually for a few hours of your time so we can directly test your creative and/or communication skills. We will pay you either with GCash, PayPal or Wise upon the completion of your work as an independent contractor without a promise of employment. We will need your mobile number, email address and your physical address to send you funds via GCash. We will send you an independent contractor agreement to sign with your chosen method of payment with the scope and deliverables of the audition when you reach this step of the interview process. You can access your audition materials and instructions here (invite required).

Stage 6. CONDITIONAL OFFER: Once you pass the paid audition, and we're ready to hire you, you'll get a conditional job offer with your pay and benefits in writing with your start date subject to a background check, reference, and educational attainment check upon your acceptance. You will not get your official start date until we complete these checks. The faster you help us complete all this, the faster we will be able to confirm your start date. We will call you every day after your acceptance of your condition offer to help us complete these checks. If we do not have a position open for you by the time you reach this stage, we may invite you to join our VIP Candidate List to be the first candidate we call back when a role opens here, or we may refer you to a client of our firm (for a one-time placement fee, charged to our client) who may hire you directly for the same role.

Step 7. REFERENCE CHECK: Once you accept your conditional offer, we will check your references. We will call your past two employers (or clients). Please make sure they know to expect our phone call. Ideally, you can introduce us. We will call them at their publicly available number. We will call up to 3 times to verify your employment, what you said in your interview, ask if they would hire you again, and if they recommend you for the role. We're looking for more of a personal connection and love for the candidate, rather than checking off boxes on performance and skill. We will ask your past employers - "Did they work for you?",  "Would you hire them again?", "What did they accomplish for you?", "Should I hire him or her?" and "What advice do you have for working with him or her?". When your references don't get back to us, or say the absolute minimal things when we call them, that's not ideal for you.

Stage 8. BACKGROUND CHECK: A criminal background check will completed with Checkr. You will get an email invite to complete the process with the necessary disclosures. We need to verify your identity so that who you are is who you say you are. 

Stage 9. EDUCATION CHECK: We will verify that you completed higher education if that's the case for your role. We will call your university to make sure you graduated from what's on your resume, if that is something you included in the interview process.

Stage 10. 90-DAY PROBATIONARY PERIOD: Congratulations you're hired! This is where we'll see how your skills are and if we'll continue your employment. You'll work with our Office Manager to complete all our HR documents while completing our New Employee Welcome Course where you learn our story, mission, vision, and purpose along with the details of what we do and who we do it for. You'll also meet our leadership team. You'll also be assigned a mentor who's already in your role to train you. If we don't have a role for you, and we have a client who wants to hire you at the same wage and terms, we'll schedule a phone call with everyone involved to introduce you to the client.


[fa icon="plus-square"] How often am I paid?
We pay you twice a month on the 1st and 15th of each month. If you are a USA hire, the money will be paid to you by ACH directly to your bank account. If you are an internal hire, you'll be paid to your Wise account in USD.
[fa icon="plus-square"] Are you open to hiring freelancers?
No. We hire 40-hour-a-week positions where you are responsible and must be available during working hours for team communication generally between the hours of 9am - 5pm CST Monday - Friday.
[fa icon="plus-square"] Do you provide training?
Yes. We provide all training. You'll meet daily with your team, have a weekly one-on-one with your manager, and complete a New Employee Welcome Course and a job-specific course to get up to speed in your role when you are hired.

Meet our Team