Dear fellow entrepreneur,
I know you're working hard to build your business or professional service.
You're an entrepreneur like me who wants to build a business that provides you with autonomy and freedom and ultimately delivers the best experience and results for your clients.
However, I want to bring to your attention a problem you must address (if you have not already). 
Are you staying in touch with your existing contact database like you should be?
The #1 most common marketing mistake professional service providers make is not communicating with their customers, past clients, prospective clients, and the people they’ve met regularly.
These people want to hear from you - they need your ongoing expertise.

Your database is the most important asset you own in your business. There's nothing more valuable than raving fans who trust you to help them when they are in need. You're the first one they call.
The problem is that you don't have time to call or meet everyone you know to stay top-of-mind. You need leverage and a way to reach more people in less time.
This is how video can help you.

Step #1: Build a permission-based email list

Reconnect with your existing contacts and build it with the right people daily

But if you don’t stay in touch or communicate with these people in a valuable way, they may make ill-advised decisions or hire less qualified competitors because, well, they forgot about you.
You’re also not helping all the people you can since your prospects are not receiving the communication they need to trust that you're their best choice to help them succeed.

Prospective clients want to know you're the go-to expert to solve their problem. You must prove that to them by communicating your value and articulating your expertise.
It’s also easy to get caught up in outbound advertising to grow since that's what most people do when they want more customers or clients.
You forget it often makes more sense, rather, to communicate with the people who know, like and trust you first - the very people in your existing database - for referrals, repeat business and even new business.

The best way to stay in touch and help them is to answer commonly asked client questions and publish them regularly. You could call it the modern version of a newsletter.
It's marketing that adds value to those receiving it. We call it education-based marketing. It's marketing people want. And it proves you're there to help them, not sell them. When you meet someone new, build your database by asking if staying in touch is okay. If so, add them to your list.
We recommend you send two short educational Q&A videos to build the relationship and one monthly item of value to spike response a month.

Step #2: Send 2 Q&A videos and 1 value item month

Stay top-of-mind with an annual 36-touch nurture plan

Video is the most personal touch you can make beyond face-to-face contact. It also scales you beyond one-to-one methods so you reach more people in less time. When you're building a business, scaling yourself - and, more importantly, scaling your message - becomes ever more important.

Personally, I wish all the professionals in my life - my CPA, my doctor, and my attorney to name a few - would send me more helpful information to protect me from making ill-informed decisions and remind me they are looking out for my best interests. I would refer and hire them more.

Most don't send me anything. At times I've even forgotten about them! A few send me canned material they purchased as a quick fix to get my business. I just throw it away. I know I'm in their database, but they do not communicate with me and proactively help me. I wish they did.
Think about all the people you know (who fit your target client profile or could refer you to them) on Facebook, LinkedIn, in your mobile device, your email account, CRM, or prospect generation program(s).

That's a lot of people.

I bet there are a lot of people in your database who feel the same way I do.
All these people need systematic, helpful communication from you. These are the people most likely to hire or refer you since there's an existing relationship. They are also less expensive to reach.
We'd like to help you grow your business this way. We'll help you reconnect with all the people you may have neglected in your database and rebuild that relationship by consistently sending them educational, helpful videos, which may lead to new business for you over time.
In short, we interview you on your mobile phone or webcam once a month on video to answer two commonly asked questions from your customers, and then we send the video to all the people you know.

This way, you provide your audience with 100% custom, personal, and authentic information.
Video also makes it easier for you to get found online. You'll be surprised how many people watch your videos before they meet you. They will be educated, well-informed prospects ready to make a decision, not just people kicking your tires for information.
And since you’re educating - not selling – you earn the benefit of expert positioning so you attract business to you. You helped them do their research with your helpful, educational videos. Your marketing brought value to their life. Since you made it easier for them to extend their trust to you, you're the one who gets the business.
In addition to your two videos a month, you also want to offer the people in your database a free value item once a month. This can be a ticket to an event, download a free report, use a tool on your website, etc.
Just ask them to enter their contact information to get it, and boom - you have lead. 
We have suggested content plans for many of the industries where have clients.
You can also track who's watching your videos so that you talk to people who are interested in the problems you're solving. One of the ways we promote your videos is through email. You'll know who clicked on each link. 

Step #3: Call to book appointments

Prioritize your follow-up with the people who respond

We send you these names a few days after each video is sent to your database.
Our best clients review their reports and proactively follow up with people watching their videos to see what other questions they can answer for them.
Just by making a phone call with a simple offer to answer more questions, our clients get referrals and earn new business. It's a friendly, personal phone call to make.
You can hire us to do all the work for you. The whole Vyral Marketing Plan takes two meetings a month with us, one to plan your topics and another to shoot your videos with our direction. 
We do the rest.

No computer or technology skills are required. You just sit down with your mobile phone and we coach you through the entire video so you look and sound great.
It's like having your own movie director guide you through the process of shooting a video. It takes minimal time.
We can ask you a question and you answer it like you're answering it for a client.
We charge a flat monthly fee for service with a one-time fee to get everything built for you. You can review all the pricing and how it works on our website.

We help small businesses and entrepreneurs in professional services in all industries.
Our best clients are looking to help more people and need to scale themselves with technology to do so. They want to build a lasting business that gives them the freedom and autonomy they've worked hard to earn.
If you’re an expert in your field who needs help educating your database to increase sales, you don’t want or have the time to do it yourself, and you want to provide the best possible answers to your clients' questions – we can help you do it with video and social media.
Free Consultation
We’ll learn about your business and help you understand how education-based database marketing with video may be a great fit for you.
We’d love to help you get your knowledge on camera and scale your impact with video. But it goes deeper than that. We know you love building your business. If you weren't building your current business, we're sure you'd be busy successfully building your next one or living out your next passion.

We'll make sure you enjoy the entrepreneurial journey along the way.

Ask us about our client masterminds and the core values that guide our decisions. I want you to know you're home here as an entrepreneur, especially one who provides a service that really helps people.

We know you want to do business with smart, proactive people who put your interests before their own who are committed to learning, delivering excellence, and telling you what you need to know even when it may be uncomfortable.

We've worked very hard to build a marketing firm that aligns with you. I know enjoying the journey is just as important as the results for you, and this is one journey I'm certain you'll enjoy with us.

I look forward to working with you.
To your success,
Frank Klesitz, CEO
Vyral Marketing