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Spring Bengtzen's Look Over My Shoulder Program

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jan 28, 2023


Spring sold 600+ homes last year in Utah. You're invited to sit in on all her 2023 marketing meetings for only $100 flat.

I’ve always wanted to bring in successful clients to coach you on our 36-touch database marketing plan.

I just never knew how to structure it effectively and inexpensively.

I just got home from Inman in NYC where I had a conversation with Spring Bengtzen who sold 600 homes last year in Utah.

"70% of them were buyers. That's too high", she said.

She asked me how to get more listings.

I wrote down 15 things to do, in order – the first 5 of them we do for you when you're a Vyral Marketing client.

She then had a brilliant idea.

“Frank. I’ll sign back up and let’s invite agents to be a fly on the wall during our meetings as we implement all this."

It hit me like a brick wall.

I went and created www.LookOverSpringsShoulder.com

You’re invited to sit in on all of Spring's 2023 internal marketing meetings to watch us implement these 15 things.

The recordings are saved in a Google Drive for you, too.

The cost is only $100. One time. That's it.

You’ll get a Google Calendar invite to every meeting I have with her this year as we build out the 15 things listed on the page above.

It’s not training or coaching. This is the work.

I don’t know any real estate agent (or anyone for that matter) who will just let you sit in on their company meetings as they discuss very competitive information.

I’m asked all the time what clients are doing to see success. Just sharing their tactics alone does not do it justice. 

I can’t think of anything better than just sitting in on actual client meetings to learn the craft of marketing for listings.

If this is something that interests you, Spring starts with us again on the core Vyral Marketing plan the week of February 6. We have 5 calls scheduled to get her new seller video blog done in 30 days.

Come join us. You will learn a ton.

This is not open to her direct competitors in Utah, unfortunately.

I love how inexpensive this is. It's little extra work for everyone involved. You just sit in on meetings already happening.

I bet you'll learn more sitting in on real marketing meetings than anything else you can buy for training or coaching. Why?

Pay attention to Spring's behavior in the meetings.

That's where you learn the most - it's what I've always done to model successful people.

I hope you gain a lot of insight as you watch Spring, a self-made millionaire in residential real estate, do the work. 

I wish my early mentors offered this (Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Tom Hopkins, Gary Keller, Mike Ferry) back in the day. Sign me up!

This is something I put together just for you.

I'm excited to have you tag along...

Here you go: www.LookOverSpringsShoulder.com


Frank Klesitz

P.S. The entire 15-point listing marketing plan is on this page. Even if you are not interested in signing up, I suggest you look at the first 5 on the list. This is what we do for you as a Vyral Marketing client. That's where I'm going to start Spring as we build this out.

Topics: Frank's Diary

Frank Klesitz

Written by Frank Klesitz

Frank Klesitz is the CEO and founder of Vyral Marketing

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