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We're excited to announce our new educational seminar product

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jul 14, 2024

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I want to tell you about a new product offering at Vyral Marketing to help you get new clients.

For the past 15 years, we've helped you stay in better touch with your existing database of warm contacts with education-based video marketing.

We can now help how you grow your database with new prospects from a cold list using education-based seminar marketing.

The top question we get from clients is "How do I get more business from my database?"

The real answer is you need a system in the first place to put high-quality prospects into it who have given you permission to stay in touch.

The most effective way to do this is by inviting prospects who don't know you to educational seminars with in-person, virtual (webinar), and on-demand replay ticketing options.

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Jeff Glover's Live Unreal 2024 Summit

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jan 16, 2024

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Jeff Glovers Event
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Trending home selling January video topics

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jan 7, 2024

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We have access to fancy YouTube trends software here.

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My Take Aways from a Listing Agent Mastermind

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Nov 30, 2023

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unnamed (3)

Clients and friends -

I just got back from Jeff Glover’s mastermind in Phoenix.

I wanted to share my insights with you. He runs a top-selling real estate team in Michigan.

I’ll be at his next event in Phoenix for all brands and brokerages with 1,000+ agents in January. You can get a ticket here

His team of 32 agents have taken 228 listings in the past 90 days.

They are very listing-focused. Most of their listings come from working expired listings, database, and hybrid farming.

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Join us at Built How 2023 in Phoenix

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Aug 28, 2023

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Come on down and join me in Phoenix in two weeks for the Built How event.

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Vyral Marketing RealSynch Integration

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Aug 1, 2023

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Frank Klesitz Mail a Letter


I want to recommend you sign up for RealSynch as a Vyral Marketing client.

The reason is simple. When we send a video email out through your email marketing program, we can track the people who click the links. You want to call these people.

For example, let’s say we send out a video on ‘The 3 Things You Must Know Before You Sell Your Home”.

We can track everyone in your database who takes time out of their day to watch it. That’s a very, very, very valuable list. We can “shake the trees” to find it for you with a relevant video.

The problem is that information is stuck in your email marketing program. Normally, we go in and export it for you into a spreadsheet. But there’s still a problem…

It does not give you any context as to who the contact is, their transaction history, the last time you contacted them, additional phone numbers, notes from past conversations, etc.

That’s all on the contact record over in your CRM.

RealSynch will push the people clicking email links back to your CRM with a call task.

This makes it super cheap and easy to set appointments from your database. All the information is right there for your salespeople or appointment setters to make their calls.

It takes two steps to make an immediate call list of engaged people in your database:

  1. Send out a video email message that’s relevant to someone thinking of selling their home

  2. Call the people who click to watch it for appointments from a follow-up task in your CRM

That’s the first integration I would set up immediately as a client.

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LookOverSpringsShoulder Summer 2023 update

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jun 26, 2023

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I’m writing you since you signed up for this program, or you were interested at one point in time.

All the replays of my meetings with Spring to get her listing marketing dialed in are at www.LookOverSpringsShoulder.com. Just scroll to the bottom of the page.

We got her marketing up and running right away.

You’ll see us:

  • Export and clean up her database
  • Create her seller website (sellingthe801.com)
  • Make a “Why List with Us” pitch video
  • Make her seller YouTube videos
  • Send a seller lead-generation email out
  • Create a letter for her top database contacts
  • FB/IG retargeting videos for sellers
  • Pick a “likely to sell” farm of homeowners
  • Build a VIP buyer list to market for seller leads
  • Get a VA in place to set appointments

The challenge you’re seeing at our meetings, however, is she’s not the one going on the listing appointments – her agents are. It takes time to train them.


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“Help me! I’m not seeing results!”

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jun 24, 2023

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I want to get real with you this weekend. It’s a struggle out there to get listings.

I had four individual calls this week with clients not seeing the results they want.

We define results as a 10x ROI. That’s when you can prove an additional $75,000 in commissions (or revenue) on the annual cost of $7,500 a year to hire us.

You track this by measuring the appointments you set from people watching your videos (we give you the names to call) and the leads we reactivate from your lead-generation forms. It’s also nice when people just reach out to you from your videos directly (but less common).

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24 real estate client videos emails with the highest click-through

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jun 18, 2023

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I have you're having a wonderful weekend. We're off at Vyral Marketing on Monday in observance of Juneteenth. 

But I have a gift for you today...

We just finalized a list of the top 24 video emails that earned the highest click-through rates from all our real estate agent clients over the past 12 months.

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Watch me mail a seller lead-generation letter

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jun 15, 2023

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Julianne Lesniak is an excellent client of ours. She's been selling real estate for 20+ years in Gettysburg, PA.

She read my article last week on how to build your database of likely sellers.

She asked if I would help her write a letter and mail it out since there's so little inventory in her area. She needs more listings fast.

She told me she's happy to share her story as a client. She already signed 6 listings sitting in her database with our video marketing plan. I love that. I agreed to her request. (You are welcome to email her about her results).

To be clear, we do not mail cold letters for you. This is just something I personally know how to do. I agreed to do it for a happy client.

When it comes to building your database of homeowners who are thinking about selling, nothing compares to the power of mailing personal letters.

So let's get down to it.

We used Remine to pull a list of every single family homeowner who's lived in Gettysburg for 10+ years that's not in an LLC or Trust, and then hired someone on Upwork to format the mailing list properly. 

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[Important Notice] Vyral Marketing's Annual Global Week of Rest

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Jun 5, 2023

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Time Off

Did you know that we have a Global Week of Rest as part of our long-term plan to prevent and battle burnout?

Our team members take a week-long company holiday to step away, rest, and recharge.

This year our Global Week of Rest will take place during the week of July 3 – July 7.   

What Does This Mean for You? 

The week of July 3 - July 7, 2023,  we’ll be operating with a reduced staff.

Phone calls will be unavailable, but we will have a small team available by email at elizabeth.hagans@getvyral.com for urgent and time-sensitive issues. 

Your Marketing Coach and their respective team will likely be unavailable during the Global Week of Rest.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to let our employees recharge and come back to work with renewed dedication to helping you reach your goals.

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How to Build Your Database with Likely Sellers

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on May 27, 2023

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I spoke with a real estate agent about signing up for our services this week. He asked, “How should I build my database to get listings once I hire you?”

I’ll share my answer…

I first asked him to pick a zip code to put his focus. With limited resources, you must attack on a narrow front.

This is usually around where you live to make it convenient. It was the case for him.

We logged into Remine and saw there are 1,700 single-family homes in his zip code that have been lived in for 10+ years that are not in a trust or LLC.

I added all the Hot Sell Scores and a few old expireds, FSBOs, and financially distressed properties too. I also added everyone in his database who lived there (old home value requests).

That’s the best list. That’s the list every big-time agent works for listings. (Key secret there)

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