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Spring Bengzten's Top 3 Seller Videos (700+ Home Sales a Year)

By Frank Klesitz in Success Stories on Feb 6, 2024

Spring shares her next 3 seller video topics based on the hottest questions people are typing into YouTube this month.

You'll see the search phrase research, her next 3 video script outlines, and examples of how her videos are optimized and promoted both online and to her database to help her get business. Spring's real estate team in Utah sold over 700 homes last year.

Making videos on her iPhone with answers to questions sellers ask is a big part of her strategy this year. This interview will show you how she does it.

Thanks for the interview Spring!

Topics: Success Stories

Frank Klesitz

Written by Frank Klesitz

Frank Klesitz is the CEO and founder of Vyral Marketing

    Official Video Marketing Plan

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